Automatismes, Improvisation et des Automatisations

Improvisation et Ballet Mécanique Forums Parcours Thématique Automatismes, Improvisation et des Automatisations

This topic contains 265,753 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Wind 5 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #14708 Reply


    As a registered nurse I am ashamed that such an invinsitese, callous person is part of my profession. I apologise to Toni and David on behalf of the many caring nurses out there (and most of us are). This woman clearly has a mental health issue and should not be working as an RN.

    #14709 Reply


    Ja ich mag den Herbst auch! Lange sp¤Ãzergiange, die vielen bunten Farben und das aufwirbeln der Blätter. Ich laufe dann liebend gerne durch jeden Blätterhaufen durch.bei uns ist der Herbst schon da, nur leider mit viel Regen und das mag ich dann nich so :(((((Liebste GrüßeSaskia <3

    #14710 Reply


    3b [78],Which leads me to believe that the worst has already happened and what we’ll have is flat prices for the next couple of years. If we don’t see acocaerltien in price declines by the latter part of this year, then we’ll know the bottom is near. To say we’re going to get 30% off of peak in this area is a dream.

    #14711 Reply


    alrite the firs one look like its smilin at ya at them toilets ya vi.htinsTie second look like the buildin on crack a somethin don look smilin ta me check out them stoned eyes An the third look like picassos ear been torn off al ova gane sure didnt see no motha teresa or any ota motha except a motha a a ear

    #14713 Reply


    Mencius: It seems to me that you argue against revolution here, arguing instead for formalizing existing power relations. Elsewhere you argue that “The Polygon” owns our government, and that it should be abolished. Am I the only one who sees a cootnadictirn here?

    #14714 Reply


    €9.95 for a half chicken that tastes so good is great value, and their portions are gerseoun.I liked the feel of Crackbird and wish there were more places like this in Dublin. It reminded me of a place called Pok Pok in Portland that serves the most amazing chicken wings in the world.

    #14715 Reply


    UPDATE: Am now giving away two sets on Sunday (to the top two names that come up on the list raizemndor), thank you Anvil Publishing (through Ms. Gwenn Galvez) for pledging another set!

    #14716 Reply


    16/04/2011 Р11:08pmlo de messi es una gilieollez.crpo que el bar̤a el miercoles tiene una peque̱a ventaja Villa vuelve a la que fue su casa y eso para mi rs una ventaja.Ke curioso marca pasa devolver la manita a conformarse con un empate.Nunca esperaba un madrid tan peque̱o.

    #14717 Reply


    SIR, AND MA'AM…I submit that the population of New Orleans pre-Katrina being 67% African American and the city has a notoriously bigoted _______________ (fill in the blank) and _________________(again, please) might offer a not-so-subtle clue as to your most interesting question.Respectfully,DeryleNow, as far as this Petraeus thingie, just WHAT is this fluff covering up?If it weren't serious, some kinda comedian could have a field day "All Inoun&t;….&qqot;embedded"Dou't tell me the director of the Central Intelligence Agency is stepping down over an affair?Right?Just sayin'….

    #14719 Reply


    Hey there! This is my 1st comment here so I just wanted to give a quick shout out and tell you I truly enjoy reading through your blog posts. Can you recommend any other blsbf/wegsiteo/sorums that cover the same topics? Thanks!

    #14720 Reply


    ton point de croix me fait rêver , quelle patience ! j’ai hate de voir la suitePour les cols on en a jamais assez !Les coussins en appliqué tortue hi hi j&a;ruosqdore

    #14721 Reply


    don’t get the idea i’m a clean freak i’m only fussy about scrubbing before i paint so the paint will adhere properly. A legacy from my career as a sign painter. I could hand-brush a finish that looked like glass! It’s all in the prep work. And consistent brush stOrkes.otherwise, my homes always look *cough* lived in. My friends remark, “Oh you’re so creative!” (the quilting, the drawing, the painting, the artsy stuff, blah blah) and my reply is I’ll do anything to avoid housework!

    #14723 Reply


    Since I’ve been pregnant, I ca;7182#&nt survive without my naps! In the first trimester it was 2 hours a day, and now at 31 weeks it’s down to 1. I can skip it, but I’d rather not! Naps make me happy. I hope the baby agrees.

    #14724 Reply


    Hi,I am totally totally full at this post. I think we need to talk something about itnerincaR.ation, soul, positive thinking and subconscious mind are connected (may be). I think its time we had some talk. do email me(currently I am researching the book Think and Grow Rich and Subconscious mind)

    #14725 Reply


    I also live about a mile from Kerf and got about 120 kids this year. And they din;&#8217dt start coming to my door until after 6, when the Lawn festivities were over. If kids aren’t coming to her house it’s not because of the Lawn. It’s probably because they can smell the smug and oatmeal.In a recent photo Kerf had the baby in a stroller with a hat (thank god) but only a long-sleeved onesie with a blanket up to his armpits. Meanwhile she had a fleece zipped up to her neck. I bet that baby’s arms were freezing.

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