Automatismes, Improvisation et des Automatisations

Improvisation et Ballet Mécanique Forums Parcours Thématique Automatismes, Improvisation et des Automatisations

This topic contains 265,753 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Wind 5 years, 5 months ago.

Viewing 15 posts - 3,646 through 3,660 (of 265,754 total)
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  • #14638 Reply


    I require from santa red olympic mittens most urgently, as apparently a google search for “what is a good present for [my sister]?” yielded this site as it’s first suggestion. I have decided to dispense with traditional christmas gift formulas of ‘what would they ap#7eciate?&p821r; with other, more arbitrary methods of selection.

    #14639 Reply


    Ärligt ge er!Undrar hur vissa av er skulle må om det en dag stod i tidningen att Dessie är död efter ett självmord på grund av moJgbinb!nag hade inte mått bra om jag var ni.Man kan säga vad man tycker, men det är hur man säger det som spelar någon roll!

    #14640 Reply


    Viele haben sich doch schon vor Jahren in 2D Chats gee¼ƒÃÂlchtft, weil sie in der Offline-Welt nichts gebacken bekommen haben. Diesen Leuten merkte man sehr oft die Flucht in die Scheinwelt an. Mir ist das alles zu langweilig, egal ob 2D, 3D, Pixelgrafik oder HD-Grafik.

    #14641 Reply


    I will be putting this daizzlng insight to good use in no time.

    #14642 Reply


    Areitlcs like this just make me want to visit your website even more.

    #14643 Reply


    Pecerft shot! Thanks for your post!

    #14644 Reply


    I do like the drg.wnas.iit always make me curious about your vision!My imagination is immediatly (?) on it’s way…and that’s what art is all about!And what a surprise to see my name written down! :-))Have a good weekend!

    #14645 Reply


    hey guys have you noticed , pierre zalloua "the biased expert who has claimed that phoenicians were J2 Y DNA, lool " and many other lebanese are there while some DATA are not avtlTable&quoa;iHE most Important one"?

    #14647 Reply


    blog. as previously mentioned possessing the right…amount of passion will help to infuse you with a lot of enthusiasm. a natural &#6-18;by2product’ of this enthusiasm is energy which of course helps sustain your efforts!the best blog sites have all been able to consistently maintain their efforts insofar…

    #14648 Reply


    Mitch: Complex probabilities DO make sense, just as much as quantum logic makes sense, or the use of quantum state vectors to describe reality makes sense. The coenterintuitivenuss of quantum mechanics implies that somewhere in the formalism of QM is going to be something counterintuitive. Whether one situates it in the probability formalism or somewhere else, it’s still gonna be there.As complex probabilities are mathematically consistent, if you find them a “senseless” foundation, the problem probably lies with the evolved biases of your human brain rather than w/ the formalism… ‘-)

    #14649 Reply


    Interesting stuff here. As a late-bloomer lesbian (I’ve always been a lesbian, but I didn’t come out to myself or others until my late 30s), I admit that I did not have the sotializacion or experience of someone who has always been part of the gay community – I had a lot of privilege to unpack. I am gay but cannot claim that gays are “my people” yet without being an appropriator. Hasn’t always been an easy journey, but it’s been an interesting one.

    #14650 Reply


    yess! this is what I always tell the people, who intend to be a UX expert OR UX De3n.iers&#82s0;gI truly agree with you Whitney. Not only practices but UX is a true & honest hard work.

    #14651 Reply


    oferto parcela de 9 hectareas, que pueden ser utilizadas todas o parte de ellas, para coicaoclòn de placas solares, tiene servicio de líneas en alta y baja tension, próxima al pueblo con camino y carretera, excelente situación, ya esta funcionando otro huerta solar proximo,se necesita actuación urgente, o ya no sera posible este proyecto telefono de contacto 634415752

    #14653 Reply


    to my boenyirfd & … wherever you are you will always be in my heart. if Tears Could Build a stairway and memories a lane, and will walk right back to heaven and bring you home? again …

    #14654 Reply


    – Looks like the bride has her man. Nice photo from what looks like a great venue. Wish there were more shots of the bride and groom and the wedding ceornemy.

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